
A little about me

I am currently an engineer in the INRIA laboratory of Rennes in the DiverSE team.

At the moment, I am mainly working in relation to an initiative called Software Heritage, and more precisely about Enhancing Cybersecurity through Software Heritage. Our current objective is to study the propagation of vulnerabilities among repositories and more precisely forks.

In parallel to that, I am reading and developing new skills in relation to the use of Large Language models for Software Engineering. I am really interested in everything that is possible to achieve with the new capabilities that those LLMs bring to the table.

Even tho I am an engineer, I hope to be starting a PhD in less than a year, and as you can guess, the subject of that PhD will be related to LLMs. I am really looking forward to start to work on that subject.

My Studies

  • Engineering Diploma: Software Engineering, ESIR school, Rennes; attained top class position.
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Computer science, Université de Rennes 1 / ESIR School
  • High school diploma: Engineering Sciences.

Areas of Interest

My main area of interest is of course Software Engineering, I am not focusing on any precise subject at the moment, and I am still exploring the possibility that this field offers. My attention is however drawn to cutting edge technologies and advancements, as well as new trends that change the way we work. Basically, how things evolve will determine what I will work on in the future.

Other than Software Engineering, I spend a lot of my spare time climbing (as you can see in the profile picture), as well as learning mandarin on my own. When I can, I like to read about philosophy, though I can never find enough time.